Your Agency doesn't sleep and neither do we.
Lenders Access was created by brokers for brokers. Business is a contact sport and our account managers are available by phone, email, fax, or even carrier pigeon if you choose. Its all about choices.

Our Mission
The Focus is on You and Your Brokerage
Lenders Access has one purpose. We exist to see that our network receives the service, products, attention, and commissions they deserve on each and every loan. Imagine if you had a room full of processors and each of them knew where to put each and every submission your sales staff brought in. Well that’s what you get with Lenders Access. A team dedicated to seeing that not one of your marketing dollars goes to waste. Lenders Access was built by brokers for brokers and we know what it takes to get loans closed as quickly and efficiently as you would expect.
Network Brokers
Loans Funded
Lending Programs
Total Funding
One Submission Is All It Takes…
With Lenders Access you only need to submit your file once. No need to sit in the “submit and wait” cycle. Once you submit your file your dedicated account management teams stacks and then runs your file though our proprietary process to find the best match for your client.
Increase your profits with one process…
When you use Lenders Access to stream line your funding process you gain much more than just a network of lenders. You gain the support of a fully staffed back office with account managers who know just where to put your client for the pest possible result.
Uncomplicated underwriting process
Knowing the underwriting processes of hundreds of lenders is impossible without technology. Without knowing how to navigate the underwriting departments of the lenders on your personal network you waste time and potentially lose business. Lenders Access knows how to get those hard to fund deals through without a hitch.
The most crucial point in the process
Managing files during the funding phase is the most crucial period during the underwriting process. Not only do you need to be ready to collect information at a moments notice, but, you also will need to put fires out as they start with the lender. With Lenders Access you have an account manager who will see your file through this process to prevent any mishaps or last minute declines.

Uncompromised Commissions…
Lenders Access makes its money a number of ways subscription fees, lender incentives, and syndication. We commission structures to fit every situation. We understand how expensive it is to find new clients and we work every step of the way to preserve your margins while giving your clients competitive pricing.